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Showing posts from June, 2018

Day Sixty ~ Sixty-Four

A mouse's tale.  I always have good intentions and the day slips away from me and the housework piles up. For being a housekeeper by profession you would think my house would be CLEAN. Yesterday morning I woke up late and moseyed down to the couch and turned on the TV. First step into being unproductive let me tell you. I knew I had family coming over in the evening for a BBQ, but I had plenty of time to clean the house and pick up the yard. The TV is strange, because there can be NOTHING on and yet you still get sucked in for hours. It's best to never turn it on if you have any aspirations of accomplishing things. I felt zero motivation, and I started to negotiate in my mind a way to clean only what had to be done for the get together vs. doing what I should do. Sully called and we were chatting when I heard the horrifying sound of claws scratching on the wall behind the couch. My biggest fears were confirmed when both my cats showed up to investigate. It was a mouse. I...

Day Forty-Three through Fifty-Nine

The past seventeen days I was given ample opportunity to extend Grace, to choose joy in the face of stress, and patience...was I ever given the opportunity to practice patience. We got a dog. Those of you who know me, know that is something I have been trying to avoid since Sully and I got married. I hate admitting that too, cause I'm met with such stink eye when I utter the words..."I don't love dogs" Truth be told I love other peoples dogs, because they don't live in my space. I can pet them, think they are cute, and then when I go home no harm, no foul. I made it twelve years. Twelve glorious years. We now have a dog.  I went over two full weeks without a drop of Diet Poison, was on a roll, and then Fred Meyers, Safeway, & Three Bears ran out of my only two favorite Zevia lifelines when the cravings came a calling. Seriously stores, there is obviously a market for them, why are there only a select few on the shelves?! They are harder to...